Tessa Alexander-St. Cyr, B. Ed, MSc, EdD, Acc.Dir. Chairperson
Dr. Wendy Grenade| the Chairperson of the T.A. Marryshow Community College
Mrs. Rhanisha Alexander-Daniel Executive Director, Grenada National Accreditation Board
Dr. Robert Yearwood | the Chairperson of the Medical and Dental Council
Ps Elvis Morain- Permanent Secretary
Dr. Glen Jacobs | the Provost of the St. George’s University Grenada;
Dr. Nicole Phillip-Dowe Principal | A representative from the Open Campus, University of the West Indies
Mr. Kenny James | a representative from the Grenada Trade Union Council
Mrs. Chevaughn Spencer-Joseph | the Solicitor-General
Mrs. Shawnna Cuffie | Appointed by the Minister
Mr. Robert Medford | Director of the Grenada Bureau of Standards
Dr. Kemoy Edwards | CEO of the National Training Agency